I finished another hat on my knitting loom. This one was made with a multi-color yarn consisting of pink, gray, black, and white. Tori has already claimed it as her own.
I did pick up some new colors to do a nautical gray and white hat (for me), black and yellow to do a WSU hat (for my cousin), and orange and blue to do a Broncos hat (for Josh). I'll be trying a finished edge to the WSU and Broncos hat since they are for the guys. I've started on my own hat but am not sure that I'm happy with the yarn I selected.
The girls did their Moko Moko toilet candy that we ordered from Japan. They have been asking for this one for awhile and I've held off because... well it's toilet candy! Eventually I gave in. The kit was pretty straight forward.
Moko Moko Toilet Candy
Pop out the toilet parts, that's a toilet tank on the right.
Snap together the toilet and decorate with stickets. 2 power flavors, cola and ramune flavors.
Add the power to the toilet tank and put 2 scoops of water using the toilet tank lid to measure.
The contents begin to foam in the toilet bowl. Use your spoon to suck up the flavored foam.
The girls had fun with the assembly and decorating process but the candy wasn't edible. Both flavors were very strong and the girls couldn't eat it. They said it reminded them of cough syrup, and in fact, cough syrup tastes better. They've both decided that they'd like to keep their toilets and make them into mini planters. At the very least, they can add them as fixtures in their doll house.
I watched Stuck, a documentary about the challenges of international adoption. I always thought that I would adopt a child at some point in my life and the discussion isn't off the table. This was a good documentary but incredibly emotional. I sobbed at several different moments. The thought of children being kept from happy homes because of government bureaucracy is so sad. And to be honest, the families that experienced the challenges covered in this film seem stronger than I think I could ever be. If you've ever considered international adoption, I suggest checking this film out.
We did a good amount of cooking this weekend. We had cinnamon apple muffins for breakfast on Saturday, Josh's homemade philly cheesteaks (so so good) Sat evening, and homemade lasagna for Sunday dinner. It was a comfort food weekend.
I ordered a few new books and movies from Amazon that should be coming this week so I'll have some reviews shortly. We're starting next week off with a snow day, hope you're staying warm!
Toilet. Candy. That is crazy! How funny.