Thursday, April 7, 2016

Nervous Energy

My motivation lately has been really high, especially at home.  I find myself with a lot more nervous energy.  Nervous?  I'm not sure why (It could be that I have been in two separate car wrecks in the last 2 months that were someone else's fault and has now made me paranoid of those around me) but I definitely feel more on edge so I have been trying to turn that energy into progress and have gotten some fun projects accomplished out of it. 

First, I deep cleaned the younger daughter's bedroom.  Inside drawers, closets, under bed, you name it.  I pulled four trash bags of "stuff" from her room.  She has the lovely job of going through the bags and determining what she wants to keep and what she can let go of.

Next, I moved onto the front door.  Our front door has irked me since we moved it.  Our house is beige and a mauvey red door created a very dated look.  So I painted it black.  I keep joking, " I saw a red door and I wanted to paint it black..." like the song lyrics.  I sanded down the door where there were scratches and bumps from the prior bad paint job and then took a nice flat black paint to it.  It took many many coats but looks so much nicer. 

** This is Hermann, he supervised while I painted the front door

Then I moved onto a little greenhouse that I had gotten from Ikea a couple of years ago.  I had never even opened the box but knew I wanted to put succulents in it to bring in some more green in the house.  So I assembled the thing and then found four great succulents to add.  I planted them in glass containers I found at the dollar store and love how the whole thing came together.  It now sits in my kitchen for me to admire as I walk by.

I suppose the nervous energy is what has kept me from blogging as regularly as I was. I'm trying to remedy that.

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